Pediatric Physical Therapy
Pediatric Physical Therapy - Nashua and Waverly Clinics
At Taylor Physical Therapy, our physical therapists create specialized treatment programs for each individual child. We provide a fun atmosphere to learn and grow while making gains toward their motor milestones. Our pediatric physical therapists help children develop muscle strength while coordinating those muscles to sit, stand, balance, walk, reach, and play. We promote independence along with increasing participation in their natural environment. Our therapists focus on helping children experience the world around them to the fullest capacity possible.
Our physical therapists can provide treatment for:
Indicators for Pediatric Physical Therapy
- Head is tilted or rotated to one side or has a side preference at any age
- Has difficulty meeting gross motor milestones
- Sitting on their own by 6-8 months without significant support
- Crawling by 9-10 months
- Standing independently at 12 months
- Cruising at a surface at 12 months
- Walking by 16-18 months
- Running by 2 years old
- Jumping off the floor or off the bottom step by 3 years old
- Throw, catch, and kick a ball by 3 years old
- Walking upstairs alternating steps by 4 years old
- "W' sitting 50% of the time or greater
- Abnormal muscle tone
- Poor posture in sitting or standing
- Stiff joint or hypermobile joints
- Toe walking as primary gait pattern
- Excessive clumsiness or frequent falling
- Pain or swelling in muscles or joints
- Not keeping up with other kids their age at home or at school

Pediatric Bowel and Bladder Program
Is your child experiencing bladder and/or bowel leakage? Don't worry, you are not alone! Bowel and bladder issues are more common among children than most parents and caregivers realize. Approximately 10% of children can experience urinary leakage during the day (after the age of 5), and bed wetting can be an issue for up to 30% of children, according to the National Institutes of Digestive and Kidney Diseases. Constipation and leaking of feces is often seen in children as well. If these issues aren't treated, there can be undue stress on family members, caregivers, and children leading to potential psychological issues in the future.
Children can greatly benefit from pelvic health or pelvic floor rehabilitation from a therapist that specializes in the pediatric population. Kristin Kahler, PT, DPT, has extensive training in working with children and is dedicated to helping them and their families reach results that everyone will be happy about.
Kristin's approach to pediatric bowel and bladder dysfunction treatment is very child-friendly and family focused. She will discuss things ranging from home and school bathroom set up, diet and fluid intake, as well as relevant anatomy and physiology. Treatment options range from external manual techniques, toileting positions, surface electromyography, lower extremity and core exercises, all in a child-friendly manner. Your child's comfort is the top priority so evaluation and treatment are done with extreme compassion.
Your child may benefit from this program if they have any of the following conditions:
- Dysfunctional voiding
- Nighttime bedwetting (nocturnal enuresis)
- Urinary incontinence
- Fecal incontinence (encopresis)
- Urinary urgency
- Constipation
- Incomplete bladder emptying
- Pelvic floor muscle dysfunction
- Bathroom hesitancy
- Abnormal straining
- Overactive bladder
- Underactive bladder
- Stress incontinence
- Vaginal reflux
- Giggle incontinence
If you have any questions at all, please don't hesitate to contact Taylor Physical Therapy at the Waverly Health Center. Kristin will be happy to discuss this program with you.