Daycare Partnership

Home Pediatric Therapy Daycare Partnership

Taylor Physical Therapy is thrilled to partner with Families First Child Care and Learning Center in Waverly!


This partnership offers many benefits to your children while at the daycare: 

  • Educated Staff: staff has been trained on milestones children should meet by various ages

  • Free Screens: if a daycare staff member notices your child may not be meeting a particular milestone, they can initiate a free screen by one of our pediatric physical, occupational, or speech therapists 

  • Referral Assistance: if the therapist feels formal therapy is indicated, they will initiate the referral process with your primary care provider and schedule a formal therapy evaluation

  • On-Site Therapy: formal therapy offered at Families First Child Care and Learning Center as deemed appropriate for each individual child 

While collaborating with Families First Child Care and Learning Center, our goal is to help make therapy accessible and convenient to best serve the needs of your children! We believe that every child deserves the opportunity to thrive, and we hope to be the resource to allow your child to do just that!

For more information contact:

Taylor Physical Therapy Waverly Clinic: 319-352-5644 

Families First Childcare and Learning Center: 319-559-2450 



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