High-Level ADL Assessment / Driver Off-Road Assessment (DORA)

Home Occupational Therapy High-Level ADL Assessment / Driver Off-Road Assessment (DORA)

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High-Level ADL Assessment / Driving Off-Road Assessment (DORA)

Taylor Physical Therapy offers two valuable services, the High-Level Activities of Daily Living Assessment (High-Level ADL Assessment) and Driver Off-Road Assessment (DORA), at the Waverly Health Center!

The High-Level Activities of Daily Living Assessment: The High-Level ADL Assessment is completed by an occupational therapist and evaluates multiple tasks of daily living that adults must complete to live independently such as medication and finance management. A high-level cognitive screen, memory testing, and lower extremity driving reaction time is also included. After completing the comprehensive report, the occupational therapist will send the findings to the referring provider who will then follow up and offer recommendations for the patient. The High-Level ADL Assessment is covered by most insurances if an appropriate supporting diagnosis is present on referral.

Driver Off-Road Assessment (DORA): The DORA is a driving specific evaluation tool completed by an occupational therapist; however, it is not a driving assessment. This tool will include a lower extremity reaction time evaluation in addition to a sensory assessment, proprioception screen, lower extremity physical evaluation and cognitive assessment. After administering the DORA, the occupational therapist will share the result with the patient and family, allowing the patient and family to determine appropriate follow up or changes in driving status. Since this assessment is not covered by insurance, cash payment will be expected at the time of service.

                                                         High-Level ADL AssessmentDriver Off-Road Assessment
Who completes the evaluation?Occupational Therapist

Occupational Therapist

Who is the perfect patient?

An individual, with cognitive and/or memory impairment or decline, who is looking for feedback to help determine if their current living situation matches their skills, and if there is a way to increase safety at home or on the road.

An individual seeking information related to driving skills and who may need a report sent to their doctor for DOT clearance to resume driving.
Who pays for the evaluation?Some insurances with appropriate documentation and diagnosisSelf-pay by the patient
What is examined during the evaluation?Medication management, finance management, high-level cognitive screen, visual attention and task switching, memory testing, visual-perceptual skills, and lower extremity reaction time.Medical screen, sensory assessment including hearing and vision, proprioception screen, physical assessment, cognitive assessment, and lower extremity reaction time testing.
Where can it be completed?Waverly Health CenterWaverly Health Center
Is a referral from a physician required? YesNo



Margo Jebe OTR/L                           Bailie Schipper OTR/L 

Taylor Therapy's team of compassionate occupational therapists are equipped with the skills and knowledge to complete both the High-Level ADL and DORA. Their patient-orientated and detailed disposition will ensure the individual feels comfortable participating in the assessment and that the comprehensive report is completed in a timely fashion. Please contact Taylor Therapy at the Waverly Health Center with questions or to schedule an evaluation!


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