Pregnant Woman Image

Physical Therapy for Women's Health - All Locations

The women's health therapists at Taylor Therapy have a goal to provide overall wellness to each patient. We treat any current conditions and develop a plan for the future by informing you of the latest techniques that can prevent dysfunctions that commonly affect women as they age. No one should think it is normal to "just deal" with the issues they are having related to women's health. The specialty services we offer are effective, patient-centered, and are designed to put you in control of your wellness. Physical therapy as a treatment choice may improve your quality of life. The women’s health team can help with a variety of treatments, including:

  • Fecal incontinence
  • Coccyx (tailbone) pain or disorders
  • Pre- and post-gynecological surgery
  • Painful intercourse
  • Symptoms related to menopause
  • Core stabilization
  • Constipation
  • Pelvic pain
  • Prevention of, or treatment for osteoporosis
  • Sacroiliac joint (SI) dysfunction
  • Urinary incontinence and frequency
  • And more...


Pelvic floor disorders occur when the "sling" of muscles that supports the pelvic organs becomes weak or damaged. Physical therapy can help reduce the symptoms from pelvic floor disruption. Treatment may include:

  • Pelvic floor exercises
  • Manual therapy
  • Behavior techniques
  • Postural Education and functional training
  • Core stabilization
  • Diet education
  • Relaxation techniques
  • Keeping a bladder diary


These services are offered at:

Waverly Health CenterParkersburg



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Physical Therapy for Pregnancy and Postpartum

Pregnancy is an exciting time, but as your body changes, you may experience discomfort, such as:

  • Low back pain
  • Sacroiliac joint pain or tailbone pain
  • Sciatica
  • Pelvic pain
  • Pubic symphysis pain or separation causing pain in front of the pubic bone
  • Difficulty walking due to pain
  • Bowel or bladder dysfunction

Manual physical therapy and key exercises can help decrease pain and improve movement. 

Hands-on therapy helps relieve the compression you may feel in your mid to low back. During treatment we use a pregnancy pillow, which allows you to lie comfortably on your stomach.

Physical therapy may be needed to help your body return to "normal." Therapy may help with:

  • Abdominal weakness
  • Bulging of abdominal muscles as you lift your head and shoulders (diastasis)
  • Leaking urine
  • Pain or difficulty with bowel movements
  • Pelvic pain
  • Vaginal tearing
  • C-section scar release
  • Pain in back, hips or legs that lasts for more than 2 weeks
  • Safe return to activity and exercise

These services are offered at:

Waverly Health CenterParkersburg




FREE - New Mom Screens - All Locations

As the body and ability to be as active as pre-pregnancy changes with each trimester, often new moms find themselves wondering if they will always have an ache in their lower back, leak when they giggle, or ever be able to get back to their usual exercise routine. Unfortunately, society often presents these changes as part of motherhood that women must accept without question or complaint. Taylor Therapy is pleased to offer a FREE non-invasive screen for women (up to four months after they deliver) at all clinic locations as a service to address these concerns and help a new mom regain control of her health and body again.

At your screen you can expect an evaluation of the following:

Posture - While you are pregnant, posture often evolves into a forward, hunched over, or rounded position which often continues to progress after delivery (did someone say exhaustion?). Poor posture can lead to chronic neck and shoulder tension, pain, and dysfunction.

Low back - Back pain is common during pregnancy and postpartum. Evaluating the accurate source of the pain is the first step in feeling better and returning to pre-pregnancy activity.

Abdominal integrity - A separation of your rectus abdominis (sit up muscle) is common during pregnancy. It is a condition that can be reversed if diagnosed and treated early. If not, it can contribute to core instability, fatigue and back pain.

Education - We will provide handouts which include pictures, diagrams, exercises, and instructions on where to find women's health exercise videos on our website to help you understand your body and how to overcome any identified concerns.

If an area of concern is identified during the free screen, the therapist will treat during the screen and recommend a formal evaluation and physical therapy. At this time, pending insurance, a referral from a physician may be needed. Any formal therapy visits, including the formal evaluation, will be billed through insurance. If there are not any concerns during the screen that warrant physical therapy, a few tips or exercises will be recommended without further followup.

The best outcomes are seen the sooner therapy is started following delivery.  

These services are offered at:

DenverNashuaParkersburgSumnerWaverly Health Center


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