Free Pediatric Screen

Home Pediatric Therapy Free Pediatric Screen
Speech Therapist Kayla Berryman

FREE Pediatric Screen - Waverly Health Center

Your child's development should never be a mystery. Free pediatric developmental screens can help clear up questions and insecurities!

Taylor Therapy's caring pediatric physical, occupational and speech therapists are offering FREE pediatric developmental screens at the Center for Pediatric Therapies at the Waverly Health Center.

During the screen, the therapist will complete an assessment of your child's current skills; as well as, address your questions and concerns. They will educate you on development and recommend any further services if they are indicated. If further evaluation and treatment is recommended, the therapist will reach out to your child's pediatrician and request a referral. We will work with your child's pediatrician in regards to your child's care; however, please do not hesitate to contact your pediatrician if you have any questions or concerns as well.

Attached to this page are links to typical developmental milestones broken down by age for your reference. This is a component of what your therapist will look at in their assessment of your child.

0-3 Month Milestone Checklist

4-6 Month Milestone Checklist

7-9 Month Milestone Checklist

10-12 Month Milestone Checklist

13-18 Month Milestone Checklist

19-24 Month Milestone Checklist

2-3 Year Milestone Checklist

3-4 Year Milestone Checklist

4-5 Year Milestone Checklist

Call the Center for Pediatric Therapies at 319-483-1375 to schedule your free screen today.

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